NECOM Interface

The National Energy Crisis Committee (NECOM), established under the Presidency, is tasked with the implementation of the Presidential Energy Action Plan (EAP), announced by the President in July 2022. Business, Eskom and Government have committed to working in partnership to support the delivery of the agreed objectives. It is further backed by the CEO Pledge, representing over 140 of South Africa’s leading companies. NECOM workstreams are led by co-chairs nominated by Eskom and Government and supported by the NECOM secretariat. Business participation follows an agreed governance process coordinated by the Energy Council with support from Business for South Africa. A revised NECOM 2.0 has been agreed with improved focus on our biggest challenges. Priority workstreams and objectives that will be the focus of Business capacity mobilisation and engagement under NECOM 2.0 are:
  • Revised Workstream 2: Accelerating private sector investment in new generation, specifically ensuring bankability and enablers in grid access and wheeling;
  • Revised Workstream 3: Supporting holistic Market Reform design, establishment and implementation readiness;
  • Revised Workstream 4: Strengthening and expanding Transmission capacity, including the role of private sector investment; and
  • Revised Workstream 5: Supporting the Municipal reform (EDI) strategy formulation, capacity building and position paper to Cabinet.
Business governance requires all participants to register their personal details and NECOM invitees sign declarations covering conflict of interest, State Security non-disclosure and Competition Act compliance. No Business participation will receive commercial compensation unless specifically identified, declared and agreed otherwise. If you are interested in participating, or want to receive communication on NECOM activities, please register here: